Full chapter PDF 1 - Province of Santa Fe - 1823 2 - Province of Mendoza - 1839 3 - Provinces of the Northern League - 1841 4 - Province of Corrientes - 1826 to 1861 5 - Province of Catamarca - 1849
COR.xxx / ENR.xxx / SFE.xxx : Robert J. Bauman - The Paper Money of Argentina - A Window to History - 1816 - 1899, Rosario 2016, ISBN 978-1-5323-0873-4
P.xxx : George S. Cuhaj - Standard Catalog of World Paper Money - General Issues
PS.xxx : George S. Cuhaj - Standard Catalog of World Paper Money - Specialized Issues
NC.xxx : Osvaldo Nusdeo & Pedro D. Conno - Papel Moneda Nacional Argentino y Bonaerense / siglo XIX / 1813 - 1897, Editorial Hector C. Janson, Buenos-Aires 1982
Other books used
Roberto A. Bottero - Billetes de la República Argentina, Tratado y Catalogación 1890 a 2001, Buenos Aires 2002, ISBN 987-43-4024-X
Gene Hessler - The Engraver's Line, BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio 1993
Gene Hessler - The International Engraver's Line, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005
Alfredo Taullard - Billetes de Banco de la República Argentina, impr.Ferrari Hnos, Buenos Aires, 1924
The photos used
The study of Latin American banknotes was carried out by my friend Urs Graf, emeritus collector of Latin American paper money. The photos illustrating this study are from :
either from the collection of Urs Graf (collection UG),
either from the Banco Central de la República Argentina, Museo Histórico y Numismático, Sra Silvia M. Fernández et Sra Mercedes Y. Fernández A.,
either from the Numismatic Center of Buenos-Aires (publication photo autorisée par CNBA - http://www.cnba.org.ar/),
either from the Numismatic Center of Santa Fé (Cenusa),
either of the Museum and Archives of the Bank of the Province of Buenos-Aires "Dr Arturo Jauretche" for which we thank its curator Mme Lic. Marina Zurro (photo Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - http://museobancoprovincia.com/),
either other sources whose provenance is indicated,
either from private collections (collection privée).
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