Le Site du Collectionneur - collection monnaie - billet - banknote - paper money - coin - collection billet - collection numismatique  3 - BILLETS DE BANQUE - PAPER MONEY


The history of paper money
from the origins to 1935


11 - Banknotes of the Banco
y Casa de Moneda de Buenos Ayres



Plan of this chapter

Full chapter PDF
1 - Issue of january 1, 1864
2 - Issue of July 1, 1865 in pesos fuertes

(start of study)
00-  Introduction of the Argentinian Paper Money Catalog
01-  The precursors banknotes (1813-1821)
02-  Banknotes of the Banco de Buenos-Aires and the notes of the Treasury of the Province of Buenos-Aires (1822-1824)
03-  Banknotes of the Banco de las Provincias Unidas del Río de La Plata - Banco Nacional (1826)
04-  Banknotes of the Banco Nacional de las Provincias Unidas del Río de La Plata (1829-1836)
05-  Banknotes of the Casa de Moneda de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (1840-1852)
06-  Banknotes with erased political legends issued by the Casa de Moneda de la Provincia de Buenos Aires(1852-1854)
07-  Banknotes of the Confederación Argentina - Crédito Público (1853)
08-  Banknotes of the Confederación Argentina - National Government customs vouchers (1855-1859)
09-  Banknotes of the Confederación Argentina - Treasury notes (1860-1861)
10-  El Estado de Buenos Ayres - Banknotes of the Banco y Casa de Moneda (1856-1858)
11-  Banknotes of the Banco y Casa de Moneda de Buenos Ayres (1864-1865)
12-  Banknotes of the Provincia de Buenos Ayres (1867)
13-  Banknotes of the Provincia de Buenos Ayres (1869)
14-  Banknotes of El Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Ayres (1869-1881)
15-  The provincial issues (before 1862)
16-  Private and Provincial issues - Banco Mauá & Cía (1861-1872)
17-  Private and Provincial issues : Carlos Casado / Banco de Londres y Río de la Plata (1858-1876)
18-  Private and Provincial issues : Banco del Rosario / Banco Argentino (1866-1872)
19-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Entre Ríos - Banco Entre-Riano (1864-1876)
20-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Entre Ríos - Banco J. Benites é Hijo (1864-1878)
21-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Entre Ríos - Oxandaburu y Garvino - Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino - Banco Domingo Garbino (1867-1873)
22-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Entre Ríos - Banco Paraná - Banco del Río de la Plata - Banco del Comercio de Gualeguay - Banco del Comercio (1868-1875)
23-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Entre Ríos - Bancos del Litoral - Banco Lanieri, Banco de Victoria, Banco Solanas - Gobierno de la Provincia - Tesorería, Crédito Territorial (1871-1877)
24-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Santa Fé - Banco Provincial de Santa Fé (1874-1881)
25-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Santa Fé - Banco Commercial de Santa Fé - Banco Rosario de Santa Fé - Crédito Territorial de Santa Fé (1867-1873)
26-  Private and Provincial issues : Province of Córdoba - Banco Otero y Cía, Banco Provincial de Córdoba, Banco de Río Cuarto (1867-1880)
27-  Private and Provincial issues : Provinces of Corrientes, la Rioja et Mendoza (1867-1884)
28-  Private and Provincial issues : Provinces of San Juan, Sans Luis, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán (1868-1883)
29-  Issues of the Banco Nacional (1872-1880)
30-  Issues of the Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Monetary law No 1130 of november 5, 1881 (1881-1885)
... to be continued ...
(end of study)

The references used

  • BA.xxx /  BC.xxx /  BL.xxx /  BM.xxx /  BR.xxx /  CA.xxx /  CC.xxx /  CT.xxx /  RS.xxx /  SF.xxx :
    Fernando Chao - Bancos Emisores de Rosario
  • COR.xxx / ENR.xxx / SFE.xxx : Robert J. Bauman - The Paper Money of Argentina - A Window to History - 1816 - 1899, Rosario 2016, ISBN 978-1-5323-0873-4
  • P.xxx : George S. Cuhaj - Standard Catalog of World Paper Money - General Issues
  • PS.xxx : George S. Cuhaj - Standard Catalog of World Paper Money - Specialized Issues
  • NC.xxx : Osvaldo Nusdeo & Pedro D. Conno - Papel Moneda Nacional Argentino y Bonaerense / siglo XIX / 1813 - 1897, Editorial Hector C. Janson, Buenos-Aires 1982

Other books used

  • Roberto A. Bottero - Billetes de la República Argentina, Tratado y Catalogación 1890 a 2001, Buenos Aires 2002, ISBN 987-43-4024-X
  • Gene Hessler - The Engraver's Line, BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio 1993
  • Gene Hessler - The International Engraver's Line, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005
  • Ricardo M. Magan - Latin American Bank Note Records / American Bank Note Company Archives, 2005, ISBN 1-932433-44-9 (http://archive.org/details/LatinAmericanBanknotesRecords)
  • Alfredo Taullard - Billetes de Banco de la República Argentina, impr.Ferrari Hnos, Buenos Aires, 1924

The photos used

The study of Latin American banknotes was carried out by my friend Urs Graf, emeritus collector of Latin American paper money.
The photos illustrating this study are from :

  • either from the collection of Urs Graf (collection UG),
  • either from the Banco Central de la República Argentina, Museo Histórico y Numismático, Sra Silvia M. Fernández et Sra Mercedes Y. Fernández A.,
  • either from the Bank Note Museum (www.banknote.ws),
  • either from the Numismatic Center of Buenos-Aires (publication photo autorisée par CNBA - http://www.cnba.org.ar/),
  • either from the Numismatic Center of Santa Fé (Cenusa),
  • either of the Museum and Archives of the Bank of the Province of Buenos-Aires "Dr Arturo Jauretche" for which we thank its curator Mme Lic. Marina Zurro (photo Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - http://museobancoprovincia.com/),
  • either other sources whose provenance is indicated,
  • either from private collections (collection privée).

Please note, all articles and photos are protected by copyright ©.

Le Site du Collectionneur - collection monnaie - billet - banknote - paper money - coin - collection billet - collection numismatique

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