Subalpine Republic 20 francs - l'an 10 (1800-1801)
City of Cattaro, 1813 (Montenegro) 1 franc - 1813
Canton of Bern (Switzerland) 1 frank - 1811
Germany : Kingdom of Westphalia, 1807-1813 Italy : Principality of Lucca and Piombino, 1805-1814 Italy : Subalpine Republic (Piedmont Republic), 1800-1801 Dalmatia : City of Zara, 1813 Montenegro : City of Cattaro, 1813 Switzerland : Helvetian Republic, 1798-1801 Switzerland : Canton of Aargau, 1812 Switzerland : Canton of Appenzel, 1809-1816 Switzerland : Canton of Bern, 1811-1813 Switzerland : Canton of Freiburg, 1813 Switzerland : Canton of Graubunden, 1813 Switzerland : Canton of Luzern, 1804-1814 Switzerland : Canton of Neuchatel, 1814 Switzerland : Canton of Solothurn, 1812-1813 Switzerland : Canton of Ticino, 1813-1835
6.2 - As a result of the French influence in the early 19th century
Belgium 1 franc - 1886
Luxembourg 1 franc - 1939
Monaco 1 franc - non daté (1945)
Confoederatio Helvetica 1 franc - 1956
Belgium : after independence in 1830 Luxembourg : from 1854 Monaco : from 1837 Switzerland : Cantons of Geneva , 1848-1851 Switzerland : Cantons of Vaud, 1845 Switzerland : Confoederatio Helvetica after 1848 Ecuador, 1858
6.3 - As a result of the Latin Union
Albania 1 franga - 1935
Danish West Indies 1 franc - 20 cents - 1905
Albania : 1926-1938 Austria-Hungary : Dual Monarchy, 1870-1892 Hongrie : HONGRIE entre 1870 et 1892 Liechtenstein : until 1924 (used Swiss coins after that) Sweden : 1868-1872 Danish West Indies : 1904-1907 Dominican Republic : 1891
6.4 - As a result of the World War Two
Saarland 10 francs - 1954
Saarland 100 francs - 1955
Saarland (Germany): 1954-1955
6.5 - As a result of the French colonization
French Equatorial Africa 1 franc - 1943
French West Africa 1 franc - 1944
Guinea 25 francs - 1958
New Calédonia 1 franc - 1977
Africa : Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast,Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroons, Congo, Gabon, Chad, Djibouti,Madagascar, Comoros Is. America : St. Pierre et Miquelon, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana Asia : Cambodia Pacific: Tahiti, New Caledonia, New Hebrides
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